Fascia Research

Bereits 1899 führte Andrew Tylor Still in seinem Werk Philosophy of Osteopathy aus, dass Faszien jeden Teil des Körper umhüllten, durchzögen, teilten und unterteilten; alle Muskeln mit all ihren Fasern umgäben und durchdrängen.
Sie ermöglichten
es, allen Muskeln über anliegende Muskeln und Ligamente reibungslos zu gleiten
und versorgten den Körper mit Nerven.
The fascia […] is almost a network of nerves, cells and tubes, running to and from it; it is crossed and filled with, no doubt, millions of nerve centers and fibers [...] that gives all muscles help to glide over and around all adjacent muscles and ligaments, without friction […] Its nerves are so abundant that no atom of flesh fails to get nerve and fluid supply therefrom […] The cord throws out and supplies millions of nerves by which all organs and parts are supplied with the elements of motion, all to go and terminate in that great system, the fascia.
(Still, 1899, S.164-165)
Über Jahrzehnte spielten die Faszien kaum eine Rolle in der muskuloskelettalen Forschung. Heute rücken sie zunehmend in den Fokus medizinischer Aufmerksamkeit. Ergebnisse aktueller Forschung zeigen, dass das Fasziennetzwerk, eine wichtigere Rolle in der muskuloskelettalen Medizin spielt als bisher angenommen.
Im Jahr 2007 fand zum ersten Mal ein Kongress statt, der sich ausschließlich mit
dem Thema Faszien beschäftigte.
Quelle: medunigraz.at
Psychologie & Lebensstil
Stellt die Wechselwirkung zwischen lokaler und systemischer Entzündung eine Verbindung zwischen Psychologie und Lebensstil und Gewebegesundheit bei Erkrankungen des Bewegungsapparates her?

Conceptual model of the factors that impact tissue health in musculoskeletal conditions.
CONNECT 2021 - Online-Congress
Physical training not only strengthens the cardiovascular system, but also the musculoskeletal system. While skeletal muscles are intimately related to connective tissues, it is the fibrous connective tissue components, which often suffer pathology from athletic overload. Across many biological fields, including sports medicine, new research is highlighting the important role connective tissues play in health, well-being and disease.
The 3rd CONNECT Congress at TUM, draws research across a number of biological fields to focus on "Connective Tissues in Sports Medicine". It explores emerging research on the role of fascia from a clinical, molecular and biomechanical standpoint, to strengthen the exchange and dialogue between all research fields.
by: connect
benefit of isometric intermittent Training
Loading & nutrition to improve connective tissue function -
Prof. Keith Baar | USA
is a researcher in the field of molecular determinants of musculoskeletal development and the role of exercise in improving health and performance.
Effect of load on tendon: Stress Shielding and Stress Relaxation
Results: The maximal training effects in Tendon/Ligaments cells occurs:
Isometric intermittent Training with heavy slow moves:
4x 30sec./2 minutes rest
Exercise Time: 10 minutes
Recovery Time: 6-8 hoursSummery:
Tensile loads promote tendon-specific gene expression and healing, whereas compressive loads promote fibrocartilage formation (disadvantage, that brings water in the tissue).
In an injured tendon, central core injuries result in compressive loading during dynamic movements. It takes stress-relaxation loading to provide a tensile load to the injured region.
Connective tissues adapt optimally to short periods (5-10 minutes) of activity. So a little goes a long way.
Eating 60 minutes before stress relaxation loading 15-20g of hydrolyzed collagen/gelation and >50mg of Vitamin C can increase collagen synthesis in people.
collagen boosters
"Collagen boosters" as supplements contain various vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C and zinc that the body needs to make collagen. Some may also include plant extracts and herbs that are also found to help stimulate collagen production.
You can add these vitamins and minerals through your diet, instead of a supplement, to help you meet your amino acids needs. The most abundant amino acids in collagen are glycine, lysine, and proline.
Plant-based foods high in all three amino acids include:
- soy products: tempeh, tofu, and soy protein
- black beans
- kidney beans
- many other legumes
- seeds: especially pumpkin, squash, sunflower, and chia
- nuts: pistachio, peanut, and cashew
by: healthline.com